Terms and Conditions of Registration and Admission RNOH Private Care


This document should be read in conjunction with the Registration and Admission Form (referred to in this document as the “Registration Form”) which together form the Terms and Conditions of Registration and Admission to RNOH Private Care. Please read this carefully and raise any questions you may have with the Booking or Administration Teams.

RNOH Private Care may update these terms from time to time. Updated terms will only apply to new episodes of care and your terms will remain unchanged if you are part way through an episode of care.

Separate contracts exist between you and your Consultant(s) and/or Doctor(s) and between you and your insurer, your sponsor and/or your guarantor (where applicable).

In completing and signing the Registration Form, you consent to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Registration and Admission, and those set out on the Registration Form.

1. Finances

1.1. Funding and Payment

RNOH Private Care requires payment in full, in advance of admission for all accounts not guaranteed by an approved third party. This applies to all services, including outpatient services such as imaging, pathology, histopathology, wound care, plastering, and therapy services. The Consultants (including physicians and surgeons) may invoice you separately for their services. If, for any reason your insurer or third-party sponsor declines cover, fails to pay all or part of your charges, or there is an excess to pay, you are responsible for paying these charges to RNOH Private Care.


1.2. Self-Funding Patients

RNOH Private Care will provide an estimate of your Hospital treatment costs based on the information provided by your Consultant. The estimated price will be based upon the surgical or interventional procedure you are scheduled for, the expected length of stay, the anticipated theatre time and any prosthesis required, as well as the level of care you will require. Following your Pre-Operative Assessment there may be a requirement to revise this cost estimate. If this is the case, you will be notified in writing. All self-funding inpatient admissions are required to pay a £500 deposit to cover the cost of anti-coagulant medication which your Consultant may prescribe for you at discharge. If you do not require anticoagulants, or the cost of the drugs is less than the deposit amount, a refund will be made to you for the difference. You will be required to pay the estimated cost in advance, in line with the payment terms outlined in this document. Cleared funds must have been received at least 7 days before your scheduled admission.

1.3. Private Medical Insurance

RNOH Private Care processes insurance claims directly with approved insurers on your behalf. It is your responsibility to ensure cover is adequate to cover your treatment, and to verify with the insurers that the condition to be treated is covered by your private medical insurance policy.


1.4. Sponsored Patients

If an embassy, company, employer or any other third party agrees to cover your account, a Letter of Guarantee must be provided. The cost of any items not covered by your sponsor will be your responsibility.

2. Payment, Billing and Refunds

2.1. Credit or Debit Card

RNOH Private Care accepts payment by most major credit or debit cards. We will ask to take a swipe of a credit or debit card when you attend for your appointment or admission. These card details will be kept securely for up to six months.

2.2. Cheque

Payment by cheque must be made at least 10 working days prior to admission to allow funds to clear. Cheques should be made payable to RNOH NHS Trust and sent with your full name and hospital number to: The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Private Care Finance Department, Brockley Hill, Stanmore, HA7 4LP.


2.3. Cash

We do not accept cash as a method of payment.

2.4. Bank Transfer

Payment can be made directly to RNOH Private Care by BACS. Please quote your hospital number as your reference, which can be found on your correspondence.

  • Account Name: GBS Re RNOH NHS Trust
  • Bank Name: National Westminster Bank PLC
  • Bank Address: Natwest Bank (Royal Bank of Scotland) 2nd Floor, 280 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4RB
  • Sort Code: 60-70-80
  • Account Number: 10008780
  • IBAN no: GB61NWBK60708010008780
  • SWIFT code: NWBKGB2L


2.5. Refunds

If you are paying for your treatment yourself and have been provided with a cost estimate, we may issue a refund if your length or stay is shorter than expected or a different prosthesis is used which costs less than the original prosthesis quoted for. If a refund is due, we will notify you. In no other circumstances will a refund be made.

2.6. Additional Costs - Self-Funding Patients

Cost Estimates

If you are self-funding your care and the cost of your care exceeds the original cost estimate, for example the Consultant uses a more expensive prosthesis or multiple prostheses, your length of stay is increased, or you require a higher dependency of care, an invoice for additional costs will be issued to you within 30 days of discharge.

Take home items

The cost of any items you take home, which may be prescribed or recommended and include but are not limited to crutches, orthotics, and drugs (including anticoagulants), are your responsibility and are not included in the cost estimate.

Follow up

Follow up appointments (including negative pressure wound therapy) are not included and will be billed separately.

2.7. Additional Costs – Insured and Sponsored Patients

Take home items

The cost of any items you take home, which may be prescribed or recommended and include but are not limited to crutches, orthotics, and drugs (including anticoagulants) are not usually funded by insurance companies or sponsors.

Follow up

Follow up appointments (including negative pressure wound therapy) are not included and will be billed separately.


The cost of any items not covered by your private medical insurance company or third-party sponsor are your responsibility, including any insurance excesses/shortfalls.

2.8. Cancelled Admissions

If you cancel your procedure, and a bespoke/custom made prosthesis and/or specialist theatre equipment has been hired, you will be liable for the full cost of these items. If you cancel your procedure after your Pre- Operative Assessment, you will be liable for the full cost of the Pre-Operative Assessment, including any tests that have been undertaken.


2.9. Cancelled Outpatient Appointments

If you cancel an outpatient appointment and give less than 48 hours’ notice, you will be liable for the full cost of this appointment.

3. Debt Collection

3. Debt Collection

Failure to pay any outstanding charges will result in your details being passed to a third-party debt collection agency.

4. Data Protection

4.1. Personal Data

We may need to share your Personal Data including, but not limited to, your name, address, and details of your procedures/treatment with third parties for the purposes of billing, processing, payment or collection of accounts, credit referencing or audit requirements. RNOH Private Care has a duty to share data with the National Joint Register and The Private Healthcare Information Network. We may collect Personal Data about you, including Data that relates to your physical or mental health, which is known as a special category of Personal Data (also known as sensitive Personal Data). All data obtained by RNOH Private Care is held and used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


4.2. Data Protection Laws

Data Protection Laws set the obligations RNOH Private Care has to you for the processing of your Personal Data. When we use or disclose your Personal Data, we will comply with the Data Protection Laws.

4.3. Signing the Registration Form

Your signature on the Registration Form confirms that you have read and understood how we will use your Personal Data, and that we have obtained your consent, if required, under Data Protection Laws, to the processing of your Personal Data, including special categories of Personal Data.


4.4. Requesting your Data

You have the right under the Data Protection Laws to request a copy of the Information RNOH Private Care holds about you. If you would like to make such a request, you can do so by emailing rno-tr.MedicalRecords@nhs.net.


4.5. Consultants/Doctors

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Private Care is not liable for any loss or damage caused by any action or inaction of Doctors or Consultants responsible for processing of your Personal Data where they are the Data Controller.

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