Our consultants

Dr Tacson Fernandez

Consultant in Acute Pain Management, Chronic Pain and Anaesthesia & Clinical Lead for Neurmodulation Service

Dr Tacson Fernandez is a Consultant in Interventional Chronic Pain Medicine, Acute Pain management and Anaesthesia.

Dr Fernandez trained in Pain Medicine visiting pain centres across the UK, Europe and USA. He was awarded a number of fellowships Including the Fellowship in Interventional Pain Practice by the World Institute of Pain and the Pain Fellowship by the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Ireland. Dr Fernandez is a Fellow of the faculty of anaesthetists, Ireland and Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK.


Anaesthesia Pain Management
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Previous to joining the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dr Fernandez worked as Consultant at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare, St Mary`s Hospital and Charing Cross Hospital.

Within a year of moving to the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dr Fernandez helped establish the Neuromodulation Centre offering complex patients the option of spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulators (as per NICE guidelines).

Dr Fernandez works with patients to manage their pain and with other clinicians and healthcare teams to care for patients individual needs. He is involved in developing pathways for complex pain patients with an aim to create a seamless integrated pathway for excellent patient care.

Dr Fernandez is also Honorary Associate Professor at University College London.



  • Interlaminar epidurals in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar areas
  • Transforaminal Epidurals in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar areas
  • Selective dorsal root ganglion blocks in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar areas
  • Pulsed radiofrequency procedures to a range of nerves
  • Peripheral Electric Nerve Stimulation techniques to areas of neuropathic pain
  • Radiofrequency denervation including cervical, thoracic and lumbar facet joint medial branch rhizotomy
  • Sacro Iliac joint pain via selective blockade or radiofrequency denervation techniques
  • Spinal cord stimulators for neuropathic leg pain and in persistent neuropathic pain states, complex regional pain syndrome, peripheral nerve injury induced neuropathic pain, brachial plexus avulsion induced neuropathic pain etc.
  • Peripheral nerve stimulators for peripheral nerve injury

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+44 (0)20 8909 5114


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+44 (0)20 3947 0049

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